REALbasic presentation tonight at Atlanta Foxpro Users Group

I'm presenting my FoxForward sessions (condensed) at the AFUG meeting tonight.  This is a brand new location for us at KC Pit BBQ but it sounds great: food, drink, private room for the presentation, wireless Internet.  If they serve Mt. Dew, I'm set!

I'm nervous about the presentation.  I learned yesterday that I'm presenting so I haven't had a chance to practice and I'm not quite sure how I'm going to crunch down all that material into one presentation.  It'll work itself out.  I'll let my audience guide me to what they want to see.

I've published my FoxForward white papers in anticipation of the presentation tonight.  If you want to take a look, you can download them off of my presentations page:

I'll report back how it went tomorrow.  If you can make it, drop on by!